Right, so trying to organize everyone at this time of the year is nearly impossible. That's totally cool.
I've decided instead of trying to do that, I'd make a blog post and then you can all give me your feedback.
This goes for the officers as well - I need good constructive feedback.
Just putting this out there in the wind: If we moved the guild from Gundrak, would you follow?
Reasons: Gundrak is CRAP. Its nearly impossible to find GOOD people to pug with - all the good ones are in guilds or have transferred off server. No smaller guilds are interested in doing a partnership and I am unwilling to join another guild in order to progress my raiding.
At this stage (and this is after much research over the last few weeks), we're looking at either Barthilas or Frostmourne. These two realms have a really good base of people, progression is great and the AH seems to be a lot cheaper as well (not that it really matters haha).
Now I understand that changing realms can be a little pricey - $32.08NZD per toon and $24.40AUD (you bastards), so I'd be happy if you were to perhaps just shift one raiding toon to start with to see how it goes. I personally have 3x 85's to move as the professions all compliment each other, so I'd move my Priest to begin with.
The entire guild structure and bank etc would move with me as well. And it will cost me more to do it than it will to you, because Blizzard like money etc.
To read up about how the actual process works, theres a link here: link
So anyhoo, hopefully I havent baffled you all too much - please not that this change will NOT happen until I have heard from all of my raiders/officers. PLEASE let me know what you think - I do value your opinions, I really do. I just want us all to be happy and to progress etc.
Oh and remember that these servers are high population, so start thinking of new names for your toons if you have an ordinary one like myself, go chuck a place holder toon on each server just in case!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
December Raiding
This month we are doing:
- Thursday - Firelands (currently 6/7)
- Sunday - Dragon Soul (currently 2/8)
Also, we have optional Wednesday where we do something we all want to do. If that happens to be Firelands it means we will have time for Rag attempts on the Thursday.
We have reset EP/GP points for Dragon Soul. For firelands, gear is just rolled on , except for T12 Shoulder, where the order is the order that points were in before Dragon Soul came out:
- Mathilde > Lusignan > Pallyative
- Cornflakes > Gallius > Crepuscula
- Farolyn > Arguk
Mains and Alts
We don't have a "main" toon and "alt" toon system; if your toon is ready for raiding then you can raid on it. Play the toon you enjoy the most.
Of course, we have got to have the right number of tanks, dps, and healers for the fights -- so we may have to ask people to play a particular toon or spec in order to make up the numbers, and we appreciate people like Gallius who are willing to swap to what is needed.
Our loot system applies to the person, not the toon; so each person gets their fair share of the loot.
Monday, November 14, 2011
November Raiding
Hi all
Just an update on where we are at. The following players have left over the last few weeks: Goboroy, Quintala, Kyrios, Oriion, Scouris, Egelis, Jellibean, Inshamniac, Dent, Mortifer. So, we have downsized from two groups to one.
However, the rest of us are sticking out the end of this very naff patch, until Dragon Soul opens, and we are currently working on Ragnaros. We killed Majordomo within about an hour of first attempting it, and we are under 50% on Rag, so I'm pretty optimistic of a kill this week.
The schedule is:
Thurs 6.30ST - kill all bosses except Rag
Sun 6.30 ST - kill rag.
On Wednesdays we have BH plus optional content; sometimes it will be a FL trash farm for alts or trials (+shannox), or sometimes H T11, or even pre-cata raid achievements. Something fun that everyone is keen for.
The current core players are:
Pallyative, Lusignan/Autumni, Arguk, Cornflakes, Gallius/Whimpie, Farolyn, Mathilde, Nightmarezz, Alexandra.
If anyone is reading and would like to join the guild, or even join the raid group , drop us a line.
We need another two DPS, or someone who can both tank and DPS.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
On a Side Note
Alex has decided that due to family commitments, to stop raiding. The Officers were informed of this during the last Officer meeting, but the rest of the guild needs to be informed. She will be available for general day to day running of the guild / dungeons / to fill in raid spots if needed, but full time raiding is not possible anymore.
Alex will be back on WoW after the 10th of October so in the meantime, please direct any questions or problems to your Officers or Raid Leaders. Messages will of course be passed on and any important guild decisions will be made by her and implemented through Officers. Alex is also reachable via the Guild's Facebook page - Crux of Gundrak.
Alex will be back on WoW after the 10th of October so in the meantime, please direct any questions or problems to your Officers or Raid Leaders. Messages will of course be passed on and any important guild decisions will be made by her and implemented through Officers. Alex is also reachable via the Guild's Facebook page - Crux of Gundrak.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
New Raid Grouping - October
Hi everyone. We have had a few players from both groups become unavailable for raiding, so we need to have a reshuffle. We are going to trial a new system this week , which is described below.
I believe the current core players are (people who can show up on time on both raid days):
G1: Lusignan, Gallius, Mathilde, Kyrios, Mystery Shaman #1
G2: Inshamniac, Teiripeoir, Farolyn, Nightmarezz, Pallyative, Dent, Astraeda, Mystery Shaman #2.
The Mystery Shamans are Arguk and Egelis, we have a healer spot in G1, so one of them can move up if they wish.
Oriion, Scouris and Ellipses can't make the 6.30ST time on Sunday, and are iffy during the week.
Goboroy and Quintala can come at 6.30 ST on Sundays but cannot come during the week, since WA does not have daylight savings.
(if any of this is wrong, please send me a message somewhere).
We currently don't have enough tanks to sustain two groups both doing Firelands each week. So , until more tanks are recruited, we have no choice but to have one Firelands group (G1) and one T11 group (G2).
However, so that everybody (who is sufficiently geared etc.) gets a chance to run some Firelands , we are going to mix groups for the Wednesday and Thursday runs.
On Thursday, we will kill our 4 Firelands farm bosses (hopefully push that up to 6 as time goes on). The core G1 people have preference so that they can continue with progression on Sunday, but the other 5 spots can be filled by G2 people who want to run Firelands. If more than 5 are keen then we can organize a week by week rotation so that everybody gets a go.
Similarly, on Wednesday, the core G2 people get preference for a T11 run (possibly heroic!), and the other spots can then be filled by whoever is online, or G1 people.
On Sunday, G1 will resume Thursday's run, hopefully with a full 3 hours of progression; and G2 (if enough people are on) will do another T11 run.
Final note - we have approximately 11 weeks of raiding before 4.3 comes out, which will come with new 5man instances and a new raid with 8 bosses, so let's see if we can farm Ragnaros a bit until then, and get Mathilde well on the way to her staff, and another caster started on another staff. :)
I believe the current core players are (people who can show up on time on both raid days):
G1: Lusignan, Gallius, Mathilde, Kyrios, Mystery Shaman #1
G2: Inshamniac, Teiripeoir, Farolyn, Nightmarezz, Pallyative, Dent, Astraeda, Mystery Shaman #2.
The Mystery Shamans are Arguk and Egelis, we have a healer spot in G1, so one of them can move up if they wish.
Oriion, Scouris and Ellipses can't make the 6.30ST time on Sunday, and are iffy during the week.
Goboroy and Quintala can come at 6.30 ST on Sundays but cannot come during the week, since WA does not have daylight savings.
(if any of this is wrong, please send me a message somewhere).
We currently don't have enough tanks to sustain two groups both doing Firelands each week. So , until more tanks are recruited, we have no choice but to have one Firelands group (G1) and one T11 group (G2).
However, so that everybody (who is sufficiently geared etc.) gets a chance to run some Firelands , we are going to mix groups for the Wednesday and Thursday runs.
On Thursday, we will kill our 4 Firelands farm bosses (hopefully push that up to 6 as time goes on). The core G1 people have preference so that they can continue with progression on Sunday, but the other 5 spots can be filled by G2 people who want to run Firelands. If more than 5 are keen then we can organize a week by week rotation so that everybody gets a go.
Similarly, on Wednesday, the core G2 people get preference for a T11 run (possibly heroic!), and the other spots can then be filled by whoever is online, or G1 people.
On Sunday, G1 will resume Thursday's run, hopefully with a full 3 hours of progression; and G2 (if enough people are on) will do another T11 run.
Final note - we have approximately 11 weeks of raiding before 4.3 comes out, which will come with new 5man instances and a new raid with 8 bosses, so let's see if we can farm Ragnaros a bit until then, and get Mathilde well on the way to her staff, and another caster started on another staff. :)
Friday, August 12, 2011
Group One roster
Two of our Group One healers, Tuskmehard and Ludyfe, cheerfully decided to gquit a few hours before the first Firelands raid. I guess they weren't really interested after all.
We cleared Shannox with a couple of pugs, but we are currently trying to recruit a raid healer , and one more person (either another healer, or a DPS of some variety).
We cleared Shannox with a couple of pugs, but we are currently trying to recruit a raid healer , and one more person (either another healer, or a DPS of some variety).
Monday, August 1, 2011
Two Raid Groups
Hi all
We've had more than 20 people on the last couple of Sundays, and we are also keen to make progress on Firelands. For that reason, we have decided to form into two raid groups, each with a fixed player roster, running two nights a week, starting Sunday August 7. (August 3 and 4 raids are as they were).
Group One will try to progress in Firelands, and perhaps also T11 Heroic. Group Two will run T11 normal content to help gear its players up, and also give them a chance to work on their raid skills in a more casual environment.
Although the rosters are fixed, it is still possible for players from Group Two who wish to move up to Group One to earn a spot. The raid leaders of both groups will communicate, and if a Group One player is underperforming, or performing worse than Group Two players, then someone who is doing well in Group Two can move up.
Both groups will run on Sunday. During the week we have a mix of people from both groups who can't attend, so Group One will also run Wednesday and Group Two will also run Thursday. For the first couple of weeks, until we settle in and find out who can attend on Wednesday and Thursday, there won't be a fixed schedule of which content will be run on the weekdays; we'll make a decision once we see who's on.
On the weeknights, players from Group One can fill out the Group Two roster, and vice versa, if needed; taking care not to get themselves saved to a raid that they will be doing on Sunday.
Raid Rules - Sign up and online 15mins before raid (6.15pm Server Time)
Please continue to sign up on the calendar for your group, and log on 15mins before raid time.
If anybody is missing at that point, the raid leader will call for backups, either from un-rostered players, players from the other group (Wed/Thurs), or pugs. If you show up 5mins before raid and your spot was already filled, you're out of luck.
Loot system
Group One will use EP/GP points as before (points fully reset as of Aug 7), with the following parameters: 150 points per half hour for Firelands and 100 for T11 heroic; MinEP 1000; MinGP 250; Decay 20%; and 150 or 100 points for signed up and online 15mins before raid.
Group Two will use officer-decided loot distribution to help gear everybody up.
Group One
Tank: Gallius, Quintala
Heal: Ludyfe, Tuskmehard, Oriion
Melee: Kyrios, Lusignan(leader)
Ranged: Goboroy, Hiilk, Mathilde
Players with Firelands-ready alts and offspec, can shuffle around to fill roles if we have a player absent, or if the fight would go better with a different class/spec balance. For example Lusignan could heal if a healer is missing, or tank or ranged-dps with Autumni.
Group Two
Tank: Pallyative, Sanllan
Heal: Teiripeoir, Alexandra, Egelis
Melee: Dent(leader), Thabiff
Ranged: Farolyn, Lockness, Malphyte
Joining a group or moving up
Any player who is not on either roster: it is because your attendance has been too unreliable to form part of a regular group; or you aren't ready for the content. If you are keen to join a group (or if Group Two players are keen to move up to Group One) , speak to Dent or Lusignan about what you need to do.
A final reminder, Firelands DPS should be doing 17K minimum, and healers able to sustain 10K for the fight duration. We've been below that in our attempts so far; so players wishing to guarantee they keep their spot may need to work on improving their toon outside of raid time.
For both groups, the raid leader can assist you with improving DPS and other raid skills.
We've had more than 20 people on the last couple of Sundays, and we are also keen to make progress on Firelands. For that reason, we have decided to form into two raid groups, each with a fixed player roster, running two nights a week, starting Sunday August 7. (August 3 and 4 raids are as they were).
Group One will try to progress in Firelands, and perhaps also T11 Heroic. Group Two will run T11 normal content to help gear its players up, and also give them a chance to work on their raid skills in a more casual environment.
Although the rosters are fixed, it is still possible for players from Group Two who wish to move up to Group One to earn a spot. The raid leaders of both groups will communicate, and if a Group One player is underperforming, or performing worse than Group Two players, then someone who is doing well in Group Two can move up.
Both groups will run on Sunday. During the week we have a mix of people from both groups who can't attend, so Group One will also run Wednesday and Group Two will also run Thursday. For the first couple of weeks, until we settle in and find out who can attend on Wednesday and Thursday, there won't be a fixed schedule of which content will be run on the weekdays; we'll make a decision once we see who's on.
On the weeknights, players from Group One can fill out the Group Two roster, and vice versa, if needed; taking care not to get themselves saved to a raid that they will be doing on Sunday.
Raid Rules - Sign up and online 15mins before raid (6.15pm Server Time)
Please continue to sign up on the calendar for your group, and log on 15mins before raid time.
If anybody is missing at that point, the raid leader will call for backups, either from un-rostered players, players from the other group (Wed/Thurs), or pugs. If you show up 5mins before raid and your spot was already filled, you're out of luck.
Loot system
Group One will use EP/GP points as before (points fully reset as of Aug 7), with the following parameters: 150 points per half hour for Firelands and 100 for T11 heroic; MinEP 1000; MinGP 250; Decay 20%; and 150 or 100 points for signed up and online 15mins before raid.
Group Two will use officer-decided loot distribution to help gear everybody up.
Group One
Tank: Gallius, Quintala
Heal: Ludyfe, Tuskmehard, Oriion
Melee: Kyrios, Lusignan(leader)
Ranged: Goboroy, Hiilk, Mathilde
Players with Firelands-ready alts and offspec, can shuffle around to fill roles if we have a player absent, or if the fight would go better with a different class/spec balance. For example Lusignan could heal if a healer is missing, or tank or ranged-dps with Autumni.
Group Two
Tank: Pallyative, Sanllan
Heal: Teiripeoir, Alexandra, Egelis
Melee: Dent(leader), Thabiff
Ranged: Farolyn, Lockness, Malphyte
Joining a group or moving up
Any player who is not on either roster: it is because your attendance has been too unreliable to form part of a regular group; or you aren't ready for the content. If you are keen to join a group (or if Group Two players are keen to move up to Group One) , speak to Dent or Lusignan about what you need to do.
A final reminder, Firelands DPS should be doing 17K minimum, and healers able to sustain 10K for the fight duration. We've been below that in our attempts so far; so players wishing to guarantee they keep their spot may need to work on improving their toon outside of raid time.
For both groups, the raid leader can assist you with improving DPS and other raid skills.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
FISHING... god, I know.. we all hate it, right?
See that ^ ^ Thats really shit, don't you think? we NEED 10,000 pools fished from so we can get the reward!
Now, I HATE fishing. Some strange people do enjoy it however (Yes, Faro, i'm looking at you!). Now, what i'm going to do is this:
For every pool of CATACLYSM fish you fish from (and you must send me the fish), I will give you 1 gold. Fish from 1,000 and i'll give you 1,000 gold. Remember that you could possibly fish up the awesome Sea Turtle mount and stuff too! So yea. How does that sound?
I'll be fishing too - but I wont be getting anything out of it apart from the knowledge that i've helped to get the achievement ;)
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Firelands team, Sunday Jul 31
Names in brackets are backup
Tanks: Gallius, Quintala (Pallyative)
Tank-healers: Lusignan Oriion (Ludyfe)
Raid-healers: Egelis (Teiripeoir, Tusk)
Melee: Dent, Kyrios (Thabiff)
Ranged: Goboroy, Mathi, Lockness (Hiilk)
This is the last week before we officially begin the two-groups thing, so tonight's performance will be taken into consideration when we select Group A.
Last week, DPS was fairly poor (13.7k - 15.5k), we ought to have everybody in the 16k - 18k range. Remember that some casters can multi-dot and this fight is very good for that. We also had the same people consistently walking on traps or standing in the spear AOE.
We have plenty of backups, so if after the first 2 or 3 attempts, some players are consistently under 15K or consistently standing in traps or fire, we will not hesitate to swap them out for backups. (No pressure :)
Tanks: Gallius, Quintala (Pallyative)
Tank-healers: Lusignan Oriion (Ludyfe)
Raid-healers: Egelis (Teiripeoir, Tusk)
Melee: Dent, Kyrios (Thabiff)
Ranged: Goboroy, Mathi, Lockness (Hiilk)
This is the last week before we officially begin the two-groups thing, so tonight's performance will be taken into consideration when we select Group A.
Last week, DPS was fairly poor (13.7k - 15.5k), we ought to have everybody in the 16k - 18k range. Remember that some casters can multi-dot and this fight is very good for that. We also had the same people consistently walking on traps or standing in the spear AOE.
We have plenty of backups, so if after the first 2 or 3 attempts, some players are consistently under 15K or consistently standing in traps or fire, we will not hesitate to swap them out for backups. (No pressure :)
Monday, July 25, 2011
Re-Post of the Guild and Raid Rules!
Raid Rules and General Information
Guild Mistress: Alexandra
Back-Up Guild Mistress / Guild Relations: Farolyn
Raid Leaders: Inshamniac, Lusignan & Dent (and respective alts)
Officers: Gallius, Mathilde and Jellibean
General Raid Rules.
Guild Bank
Our loot rules are designed to spread the loot out fairly amongst the regular raiders, so that we all gear up together.
The following common-sense rules apply:
Progression Raid Selection
If we have more than 10 people on for a progression raid, then the officers will make a decision as to which 10 go. The criteria will be (in this order):
Guild Invites
Okay, so that's your rules and regulations.
We have tried to keep it as simple as possible - some rules have been carried over from past raiding guilds that some guild members have been part of. Please remember that even though we are relaxed about most things, if we dont have rules in place, it will become a massive mess. Please remember to show a little respect for your Guild Mistress and Officers - they do outrank you and have the rights to remove you from guild should you choose to ignore the basic rules in place.
If you have any questions, please send an ingame mail to your Guild Mistress, she will be able to help you out.
Back-Up Guild Mistress / Guild Relations: Farolyn
Raid Leaders: Inshamniac, Lusignan & Dent (and respective alts)
Officers: Gallius, Mathilde and Jellibean
General Raid Rules.
- Raiders are expected to have a talent spec and gear set suitable for raiding, and have their raid gear gemmed and enchanted correctly. The guild bank can help with materials for gems and enchants.
- Raiders are expected to be on their main toons and ready to start raiding 15 minutes BEFORE raid time.
- Flasks and feasts will be provided. An officer will place feasts, and hand out flasks before the first boss.
- Breaks: There will be NO afking, brbing etc before the scheduled break time set by the days raid leader unless you have pre-arranged a break for children / medical reasons (this includes urgent toilet breaks etc)
- Constant afking/brbing without a valid reason will result in your suspension from the current week's raiding - please remember that you should be fed/watered/coffee'd BEFORE raid starts. You know what days are raid days and should be available if you have signed up.
- Signups: Members who have signed up for raid BEFORE the actual raid day will get preference over those who are late on signing up. If you are keen to go but are unsure if you can attend, please accept the raid with a tentative signup.
- Most importantly, please make sure you are repaired BEFORE you start raiding.
Guild Bank
- Crux Guild Bank is available for ALL guild members. However, to reduce the impact of when someone's account gets hacked, most tabs are marked for deposit-only.
- If you don't have access to certain tabs, please contact an officer for items you need. We will be happy to help.
- Items on the "Important" or "Raid" tab can be bought at 50% of the auctionhouse price, please contact an officer.
- ALL gathered materials from raids are expected to be placed into the guild bank. This includes mining/skinning/herbalism/engineering/etc. drops, and disenchanted materials.
- Herbalists - please remember to donate your herbs to the guild bank so we can make flasks - these will be purchased from you. Let an officer know.
- We are all adults. Please remember that. We're not going to get all silly about swearing etc in guild chat, but please try and be courteous. This carries over to Vent as well - some members may have children / parents listening in the background.
- You are welcome to let your friends / instance party members join our ventrill server for instances etc. Please don't abuse this - we don't want every random and his dog on there being stupid.
- Vent During Raid - PLEASE don't talk over other people while we are raiding! If you are not raiding, please go to a seperate channel to talk to your friends. This goes for music playing over vent as well. Dont be silly with it. It can be very distracting for players / raid leaders while the raid is happening.
- If you insist on arguing over vent, please take it to another channel. Abuse will not be tolerated.
Our loot rules are designed to spread the loot out fairly amongst the regular raiders, so that we all gear up together.
The following common-sense rules apply:
- Main spec is preferred to offspec (where main spec is the spec that the toon normally takes to our progression raids)
- If you already have an item of the same iLvl as the drop, you don't get it unless nobody else wants it for main spec. (There is no 'biggest upgrade' rule though; if one person has a 346 and another has a 333, then neither of them is preferred over the other).
- Gear should go to a class/spec it is appropriate for; e.g. +agility gear doesn't go to a warrior , and +hit rating doesn't go to a healer; unless nobody else wants the item for main spec. (Note: spirit is a DPS stat for some specs)
- +100 EP for being signed up and online 15 minutes before the raid
- +100 EP for each half-hour of raiding or standby
- +500 EP for the guild first kill of a boss
- MinEP threshold of 1000
- Decay of 10% per week.
Progression Raid Selection
If we have more than 10 people on for a progression raid, then the officers will make a decision as to which 10 go. The criteria will be (in this order):
- The right number of tanks, healers and dps (usually 2, 3, 5) and an appropriate mix of melee and ranged and class/specs
- People signed up and online 15 minutes before the raid start time
- Reliable players (high DPS/HPS, doesnt stand in fire, correct spec/enchants/gems, etc.)
- Best attendance record
- Trialling New Members: if we have a new member who is already appropriately geared and experienced, we may ask somebody to sit out a week in order to trial the new member.
Guild Invites
- Please direct people to our blog so they can apply to join the guild. Alternatively, they can apply via the in-game Guild Finder.
Okay, so that's your rules and regulations.
We have tried to keep it as simple as possible - some rules have been carried over from past raiding guilds that some guild members have been part of. Please remember that even though we are relaxed about most things, if we dont have rules in place, it will become a massive mess. Please remember to show a little respect for your Guild Mistress and Officers - they do outrank you and have the rights to remove you from guild should you choose to ignore the basic rules in place.
If you have any questions, please send an ingame mail to your Guild Mistress, she will be able to help you out.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Changes to Raiding.
Okay, here we go.
I appoligize in advance if this post is a little bit choppy and in & out, I'm writing as things come to me and adding things in where I think they are needed, so bare with me.
Firstly, I would like to state that the changes I am about to outline were NOT decided on solely by myself or Lusignan. Officers were not consulted on this matter, because as the GM, I wear the pants and I am allowed to make changes where I see fit. I have been sitting there in the background watching DPS meters, attendance, gear, attitudes and the work you have all been doing over the past couple of months. Guild masters actually have a busy wee job in the background! My job as Guild Master means that I have to make sure that our guild is happy and that we are all getting the most out of our games. In order for us to get the most out of the money we pay for our games, certain things need to change. What I mean by that, is our raiding.
I dont know about the rest of you, but I am completely unhappy with the way that the guild raids are progressing.
People are NOT pulling enough DPS when we know you are capable of it. There are too many late appearances, brb's, afk's and other such things (of course child breaks are allowed - hell, I have children, I know what it's like!) Anyway the point of that is that we are wasting too much time. From the beginning of our raiding in Wrath, we made the rule that Raiders needed to be online and ready to go on their raiding toons 15 minutes BEFORE raiding started. People seem to forget some of the basic rules and arent showing up. As I outlined in the post below about raiding firelands on Sunday, if you are not there on time, you wont be going. I'm sick of sitting around waiting for people to show up.
As to the DPS - Why are you not doing the best you can do? Whats wrong? Your specs / gear / reforges / enchants are all right. Maybe look at your rotations? Something isnt right! this leads me to bring up the next topic:
I'm not sure if any of you noticed, but we have a new Raid Leader. I welcomed Dent to the team this week to start running our second raid group. Now, this is where it begins.
As of the 7th of August, there will be an A raiding team, made up of the BEST DPS, Healing, Tanking going to firelands. These people were not made up of a list of favorites - they are people who consistantly pull the highest DPS, the best healing bla bla bla and I want to make things clear here, I am not one of these people. My healing isnt good enough because of lack of gear.
Alongside the A raiding team, there will be a B team. Now, PLEASE do not think if you have not been chosen for the A team (lol) that you are inferior in any way. The reason you wont have been chosen is because of whatever reason, your DPS/Healing/Tanking isnt quite there and we want you to come to the B team to run BoT, BWD, Tot4W to gear up, work on any DPS/Healing/Tanking issues so that we can progress together into Firelands.
I know everyone wants to get in there and start killing bosses and getting all the awesome gear, but the fact is, without the top DPS, it aint gonna happen. Wouldnt it be better to work on the things that need working on? I personally am looking forward to learning some more, getting better gear and owning face when the time is right.
I'm really sorry if some of you are offended by whats happening, please dont be. Its not because we dont love you, we want you to be able to make the most of your toon!
Next thing - I know this will come up - 'But Crux is casual, why are we suddenly becoming hardcore?'
Answer: We arent. Its about guild progression. Do you want to sit in Orgrimmar every night picking your nose? I bet you dont! And if you do, then go find a nose picking guild that doesnt care about you or what you do!
Raid nights etc.
A Team will run Firelands on Sunday night at the normal raid time.
B Team will run BoT etc on Thursday nights.
Now, it is possible that there wont be enough B team people to make up a full raid, therefore A team people may be asked to come along to help out. It would be nice if you could - afterall we are aiming to have 2 teams running thru Firelands at the same time!
Oh also, I want to make it perfectly clear - if you were not chosen for the A team, but want to pug Firelands, please do! just make sure it's not on our guild run nights (exc sunday, you can do what you like then). The more gear and practice you get, the better!
I hope this hasnt been too confusing. You can direct questions to myself or Dent - we will be more than happy to help you out. We have much guild love for you guys - you all work really hard.
I appoligize in advance if this post is a little bit choppy and in & out, I'm writing as things come to me and adding things in where I think they are needed, so bare with me.
Firstly, I would like to state that the changes I am about to outline were NOT decided on solely by myself or Lusignan. Officers were not consulted on this matter, because as the GM, I wear the pants and I am allowed to make changes where I see fit. I have been sitting there in the background watching DPS meters, attendance, gear, attitudes and the work you have all been doing over the past couple of months. Guild masters actually have a busy wee job in the background! My job as Guild Master means that I have to make sure that our guild is happy and that we are all getting the most out of our games. In order for us to get the most out of the money we pay for our games, certain things need to change. What I mean by that, is our raiding.
I dont know about the rest of you, but I am completely unhappy with the way that the guild raids are progressing.
People are NOT pulling enough DPS when we know you are capable of it. There are too many late appearances, brb's, afk's and other such things (of course child breaks are allowed - hell, I have children, I know what it's like!) Anyway the point of that is that we are wasting too much time. From the beginning of our raiding in Wrath, we made the rule that Raiders needed to be online and ready to go on their raiding toons 15 minutes BEFORE raiding started. People seem to forget some of the basic rules and arent showing up. As I outlined in the post below about raiding firelands on Sunday, if you are not there on time, you wont be going. I'm sick of sitting around waiting for people to show up.
As to the DPS - Why are you not doing the best you can do? Whats wrong? Your specs / gear / reforges / enchants are all right. Maybe look at your rotations? Something isnt right! this leads me to bring up the next topic:
I'm not sure if any of you noticed, but we have a new Raid Leader. I welcomed Dent to the team this week to start running our second raid group. Now, this is where it begins.
As of the 7th of August, there will be an A raiding team, made up of the BEST DPS, Healing, Tanking going to firelands. These people were not made up of a list of favorites - they are people who consistantly pull the highest DPS, the best healing bla bla bla and I want to make things clear here, I am not one of these people. My healing isnt good enough because of lack of gear.
Alongside the A raiding team, there will be a B team. Now, PLEASE do not think if you have not been chosen for the A team (lol) that you are inferior in any way. The reason you wont have been chosen is because of whatever reason, your DPS/Healing/Tanking isnt quite there and we want you to come to the B team to run BoT, BWD, Tot4W to gear up, work on any DPS/Healing/Tanking issues so that we can progress together into Firelands.
I know everyone wants to get in there and start killing bosses and getting all the awesome gear, but the fact is, without the top DPS, it aint gonna happen. Wouldnt it be better to work on the things that need working on? I personally am looking forward to learning some more, getting better gear and owning face when the time is right.
I'm really sorry if some of you are offended by whats happening, please dont be. Its not because we dont love you, we want you to be able to make the most of your toon!
Next thing - I know this will come up - 'But Crux is casual, why are we suddenly becoming hardcore?'
Answer: We arent. Its about guild progression. Do you want to sit in Orgrimmar every night picking your nose? I bet you dont! And if you do, then go find a nose picking guild that doesnt care about you or what you do!
Raid nights etc.
A Team will run Firelands on Sunday night at the normal raid time.
B Team will run BoT etc on Thursday nights.
Now, it is possible that there wont be enough B team people to make up a full raid, therefore A team people may be asked to come along to help out. It would be nice if you could - afterall we are aiming to have 2 teams running thru Firelands at the same time!
Oh also, I want to make it perfectly clear - if you were not chosen for the A team, but want to pug Firelands, please do! just make sure it's not on our guild run nights (exc sunday, you can do what you like then). The more gear and practice you get, the better!
I hope this hasnt been too confusing. You can direct questions to myself or Dent - we will be more than happy to help you out. We have much guild love for you guys - you all work really hard.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Guild Emails
I know some of you can't be online during the week for personal / work reasons etc.
If you don't mind, I'd like to grab your email addresses so I can send you an email when I need to update the raid schedule etc. It wont be shared with any of the other officers, only me (Alex) for important guild info and to let you know when there are updates on the blog etc.
This goes for officers too please :) I decided not to post the raid schedule on facebook, as not everyone has facebook!
If you could mail me alex@lilweelamb.com with an email with your toon name in the subject, that would be fantastic!
If you don't mind, I'd like to grab your email addresses so I can send you an email when I need to update the raid schedule etc. It wont be shared with any of the other officers, only me (Alex) for important guild info and to let you know when there are updates on the blog etc.
This goes for officers too please :) I decided not to post the raid schedule on facebook, as not everyone has facebook!
If you could mail me alex@lilweelamb.com with an email with your toon name in the subject, that would be fantastic!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Firelands, July 24th
Raid Group for the 24th is as follows:
Sanllan (backup)
Egelis (backup)
Lockness (backup)
Please be online 15 minutes before the raid starts
if you are not online in time, you will forefit your place and our backup players will be taken. You will also forefit your place for the following week.
Backup Tank/Heals/DPS please also be online as above.
Sit-outs this week will get rotated for the following week so everyone gets a go.
Sanllan (backup)
Egelis (backup)
Lockness (backup)
Please be online 15 minutes before the raid starts
if you are not online in time, you will forefit your place and our backup players will be taken. You will also forefit your place for the following week.
Backup Tank/Heals/DPS please also be online as above.
Sit-outs this week will get rotated for the following week so everyone gets a go.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Firelands DPS requirements
For Firelands raid bosses, we should have 5 DPS doing 20K on a single target .
If you are in 355 gear equipped (see Armory to find this out) you ought to be able to do 14-15K on a target dummy which translates into 18-20K on a boss. If your gear is 359 you should be easily beating the 20K mark on a boss. Of course, we're talking about damage over a sustained duration, say 5 minutes or more; not your burst ability.
If you do have this gear but are not seeing high enough numbers on the target dummies, it means that there are areas you can improve on in your gems, reforges, enchants, and your spell selection and spell casting. I keep abreast of the latest theorycrafting and can assist with these things, talk to me in-game about it (or email etc.)
While it's true that some classes are higher than others, all DPS classes are fairly close; certainly within 10% of each other.
If you are in 355 gear equipped (see Armory to find this out) you ought to be able to do 14-15K on a target dummy which translates into 18-20K on a boss. If your gear is 359 you should be easily beating the 20K mark on a boss. Of course, we're talking about damage over a sustained duration, say 5 minutes or more; not your burst ability.
If you do have this gear but are not seeing high enough numbers on the target dummies, it means that there are areas you can improve on in your gems, reforges, enchants, and your spell selection and spell casting. I keep abreast of the latest theorycrafting and can assist with these things, talk to me in-game about it (or email etc.)
While it's true that some classes are higher than others, all DPS classes are fairly close; certainly within 10% of each other.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Fixing Latency issues
Of course, if your ISP or your brother is throttling your internet you're always going to have trouble. But you can universally reduce latency with Leatrix Latency Fix . (Certified not-virus!)
Pro tip: Interrupt Macros
Hi everyone.
In BoT and BWD there are many boss abilities with a 1.5sec cast that should be interrupted. And we're failing pretty hard at that. Every class can interrupt, some with shorter cooldowns than others; yet some players never interrupt, and some regularly miss their interrupt by being slow.
(Interrupts cannot 'Miss', the only reason an interrupt fails is if you don't actually get your interrupt off until the cast was already completed -- allowing for latency).
There may be a couple of reasons for our troubles:
1) Slow to trigger your interrupt
2) Slow to notice the enemy is casting.
Fast triggering: You'll want to make sure your interrupt is bound to a key that you can press without moving your hand. For example if your left hand is resting on your movement keys A-S-D-W then perhaps bind F to your interrupt. It won't take long to program yourself to automatically mash your F button when a cast bar appears.
If you're a class that has non-instant spells (i.e. things you cast or channel), then you will need to cancel the cast you're on in order to interrupt. Fortunately that can be done automatically with the following macro:
/stopcastingThat's the mage version; obviously you would replace 'Counterspell' with the name of your class's interrupt (see the end of this post for a list if you're unsure).
/cast Counterspell
If you know in advance who you're going to be interrupting you can make this even better:
/stopcastingThis will interrupt Arcanotron even if you weren't targeting, and doesn't require any clicks or anything other than just hitting the one button. Super fast!!
/cast [target=Arcanotron] Counterspell
If you've never made a macro before, google it or ask me in-game. It's not that scary!
Finally, you can speed up all of your actions by going into Interface > Combat and ticking down the bottom "Cast action keybinds on key down". This means the action will go off when you press the key down (the alternative is that it doesn't go off until you press the key and then let go of it again).
Making the castbar more obvious: Firstly, make sure you actually have target cast bars turned on: go to Interface > Combat, and tick both boxes under Cast Bars, i.e. On Targets and On Nameplates.
Of course you should also have nameplates turned on: go to Interface > Names, and at the bottom right, tick Enemy Units and the three suboptions below that. It's also possible to display friendly unit plates, but I find this more a hindrance than a help when I'm tanking or DPSing.
If you haven't used nameplates before this may seem weird/annoying, but trust me, once you get used to it you won't be able to live without it. For example, with nameplates on on Cho'Gall you can immediately see which people are mind-controlled - they have a nameplate appear on their head! And then you can target them by clicking their nameplate and hitting your interrupt button (or preferably - using a mouse-over interrupt and just hovering the mouse over their nameplate).
To help with nameplates you could install a nameplates mod. I use TidyPlates for this. Not only are the nameplates easier to read and have a more obvious castbar than the Blizzard ones, they change colour to show aggro . For example, on Omnotron Defence System, you'll instantly know if the adds are chasing you or not -- their nameplate is green if not and red if they are. So you know right away if you have to run away, and also if it's safe to go in and melee them.
Finally, if you have the highly-recommended addon Quartz which I mentioned in my previous post on this blog, it will provide you with movable castbars for your target, which you can put somewhere that would be obvious.
Next one shows the cast bar for the mob I'm not targeting
Other Pro Tips:
Paladin and Shaman healers can interrupt as well (Rebuke, Wind Shear).
It ought to be possible to configure an audible warning when someone starts casting a spell you have to interrupt; I'm still researching this.
Interrupt List:
Warrior - Pummel (10), Heroic Throw (Protection, Gag Order, 30), Spell Reflect
(Reflects Spells, 25).
Death Knight - Mind Freeze (10), Strangulate (120).
Rogue - Kick (10).
Paladin - Rebuke (10), Avenger's Shield (15, Protection).
Shaman - Wind Shear (6), Grounding Totem (25).
Druid - Skull Bash (60, 10 Feral), Solar Beam (60, Balance, AOE).
Hunter - Silencing Shot (20, Marksmanship).
Mage - Counterspell (24).
Priest - Silence (45, Shadow).
Warlock - Spell Lock (24, Felhunter).
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Raid Schedule - Jun 8-12
As the result of the raider meeting on June 7, we have decided to trial a third raiding night. The third night will not earn EP (so as to not disadvantage those who can only commit to two nights a week). GP will still be earned for loot.
Also, we have decided to extend Cho'Gall and get full 3 hours of attempts; and to start on BWD as the new loot tables from BWD and the greater number of easy bosses means we will gear up the guild a bit faster.
This week's schedule will be:
We also discussed what to do when more than 10 people are on for progression, and did not reach any real consensus, so for now we'll stick with what we are currently doing (hoping people volunteer to sit out for a week).
The schedule may change for next week , watch this space!
Also, we have decided to extend Cho'Gall and get full 3 hours of attempts; and to start on BWD as the new loot tables from BWD and the greater number of easy bosses means we will gear up the guild a bit faster.
This week's schedule will be:
- Wed: BH, BWD
- Thu: BWD
- Sun: Cho'Gall
We also discussed what to do when more than 10 people are on for progression, and did not reach any real consensus, so for now we'll stick with what we are currently doing (hoping people volunteer to sit out for a week).
The schedule may change for next week , watch this space!
Recommended Mods
Hi everyone, your friendly raid leader here!
It's possible to install add-ons to WoW which help you out when raiding. If you've never installed an add-on before, it's actually not a very scary process and you can easily disable an addon later if you don't like it. Head on over to www.curse.com and install the Curse Client. (Pro tip, once it's installed go into the options and tell it not to automatically load on Windows startup and not to hide in systray once you close it -- it hogs a bit of memory).
Once you're in Curse Client, go to 'Get Addons', wait for it to load the list (could take a while..) and then choose the ones you want. Next time you start up WoW, those addons will be available.
Anyway, here's my list. A boss-mods is the only "must have" for raiding, some others are highly recommended, and a few more are "nice to have". I have about 20 mods installed personally, YMMV :)
Must-have: Boss mods An addon in the boss mods category will tell you when a boss is going to do various important abilities. It also lists all boss abilities for your perusal.
For example, with Bigwigs on the Ascendant Council fight, you will see a bar saying "Quake......20" where the 20 means 20 seconds till next Quake and it will tick down. When the bar gets to 10 it gets bigger so you notice it, and when it gets to 5 seconds left, an audio will count down "5..4..3..2..1". So you know firstly that you have to get to a tornado, and secondly, exactly how long you have to get there.
Of course, these things are all configurable; you can add more warnings or fewer warnings for each individual ability. I'll add a screenshot from next time we raid.
There are various add-ons in the "boss mods" category; the two major ones are Deadly Boss Mods and Bigwigs. Another is "Rob Boss Mods". I use Bigwigs, although DBM is the most popular. You should pick one of these to install.
Recommended: Omen This is a threat meter. (If you're not clear exactly on how threat an aggro work, follow the previous link, it's useful stuff to know). It will show the threat table for your targeted mob.
If you DPS it's good to know exactly what you can do without pulling aggro, and if you're a tank you know how far ahead you are , so you can decide whether to chuck in some self-healing or other moves instead of going for your max threat rotation.
Recommended: GTFO This mod is very simple, it will give an audio warning if you are standing in fire. I find this much faster to react to than visual warnings.
Recommended for casters: Quartz Quartz will replace the Blizzard cast bar with a nicer-looking one which also shows your latency window, and for channeled spells like Mind Flay, shows when the spell ticks (so you know when to clip it). You can seriously improve your DPS / HPS with this information.
Recommended: Timer bars Various timer bar addons are available. These show a timer for your buffs, procs, dots and hots, dots and hots on you, and dots and hots and buffs and debuffs on the mobs. For example, as fire mage you will get a bar up showing how long your Living Bomb has to go on each mob it's on. This lets you know when to refresh it. It's almost essential for shadowpriest to be able to keep track of DoTs, shadow orbs and Empowered Shadows for example, and any class with a proc-based spell rotation (DPS, healers and tanks included!)
The addon I prefer the most is ClassTimer, there are several alternatives.
Useful: Addon Control Panel Lets you enable and disable addons without logging off.
Useful: Tidy Plates This is a nameplate replacement. Over each mob's head you will get a more useful frame than the Blizzard one. I have mine set up to show health and mana of course (with percentages as well as numbers), and also show over the mob's head what dots/hots/debuffs I have up on that mob. Great for multi-mob tanking and DPSing.
Another awesome feature of TidyPlates is that it shows the castbar for mobs you aren't even targeting, this will greatly expand your ability to interrupt.
Useful: Damage Meter As well as just recording damage and healing done, the meter will also show damage taken, interrupts, fails, etc. etc. - many useful stats about the fight. If nothing else, as a DPS you can use it to monitor your own performance and try to challenge yourself to get better. Popular meters are "Skada" and "Recount".
Note - if you have a slow PC then you can bypass the meter, as they use a fair bit of CPU.
It's possible to install add-ons to WoW which help you out when raiding. If you've never installed an add-on before, it's actually not a very scary process and you can easily disable an addon later if you don't like it. Head on over to www.curse.com and install the Curse Client. (Pro tip, once it's installed go into the options and tell it not to automatically load on Windows startup and not to hide in systray once you close it -- it hogs a bit of memory).
Once you're in Curse Client, go to 'Get Addons', wait for it to load the list (could take a while..) and then choose the ones you want. Next time you start up WoW, those addons will be available.
Anyway, here's my list. A boss-mods is the only "must have" for raiding, some others are highly recommended, and a few more are "nice to have". I have about 20 mods installed personally, YMMV :)
Must-have: Boss mods An addon in the boss mods category will tell you when a boss is going to do various important abilities. It also lists all boss abilities for your perusal.
For example, with Bigwigs on the Ascendant Council fight, you will see a bar saying "Quake......20" where the 20 means 20 seconds till next Quake and it will tick down. When the bar gets to 10 it gets bigger so you notice it, and when it gets to 5 seconds left, an audio will count down "5..4..3..2..1". So you know firstly that you have to get to a tornado, and secondly, exactly how long you have to get there.
Of course, these things are all configurable; you can add more warnings or fewer warnings for each individual ability. I'll add a screenshot from next time we raid.
There are various add-ons in the "boss mods" category; the two major ones are Deadly Boss Mods and Bigwigs. Another is "Rob Boss Mods". I use Bigwigs, although DBM is the most popular. You should pick one of these to install.
Recommended: Omen This is a threat meter. (If you're not clear exactly on how threat an aggro work, follow the previous link, it's useful stuff to know). It will show the threat table for your targeted mob.
If you DPS it's good to know exactly what you can do without pulling aggro, and if you're a tank you know how far ahead you are , so you can decide whether to chuck in some self-healing or other moves instead of going for your max threat rotation.
Recommended: GTFO This mod is very simple, it will give an audio warning if you are standing in fire. I find this much faster to react to than visual warnings.
Recommended for casters: Quartz Quartz will replace the Blizzard cast bar with a nicer-looking one which also shows your latency window, and for channeled spells like Mind Flay, shows when the spell ticks (so you know when to clip it). You can seriously improve your DPS / HPS with this information.
Recommended: Timer bars Various timer bar addons are available. These show a timer for your buffs, procs, dots and hots, dots and hots on you, and dots and hots and buffs and debuffs on the mobs. For example, as fire mage you will get a bar up showing how long your Living Bomb has to go on each mob it's on. This lets you know when to refresh it. It's almost essential for shadowpriest to be able to keep track of DoTs, shadow orbs and Empowered Shadows for example, and any class with a proc-based spell rotation (DPS, healers and tanks included!)
The addon I prefer the most is ClassTimer, there are several alternatives.
Useful: Addon Control Panel Lets you enable and disable addons without logging off.
Useful: Tidy Plates This is a nameplate replacement. Over each mob's head you will get a more useful frame than the Blizzard one. I have mine set up to show health and mana of course (with percentages as well as numbers), and also show over the mob's head what dots/hots/debuffs I have up on that mob. Great for multi-mob tanking and DPSing.
Another awesome feature of TidyPlates is that it shows the castbar for mobs you aren't even targeting, this will greatly expand your ability to interrupt.
Useful: Damage Meter As well as just recording damage and healing done, the meter will also show damage taken, interrupts, fails, etc. etc. - many useful stats about the fight. If nothing else, as a DPS you can use it to monitor your own performance and try to challenge yourself to get better. Popular meters are "Skada" and "Recount".
Note - if you have a slow PC then you can bypass the meter, as they use a fair bit of CPU.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Raid Times and Instances
Our current progression raid times are:
We are currently working on Bastion of Twilight. Once we have cleared the four bosses in this raid, we will look at either adding in Blackwing Descent, or trying Heroic Halfus Wyrmbreaker.
There are non-progression evenings:
These nights are not compulsory attendance.
Note: The Raid Rules post has been updated today, please give it a quick re-read :)
- Thursday, 6.30PM - 9.30PM server time
- Sunday, 6.30PM - 9.30PM server time
We are currently working on Bastion of Twilight. Once we have cleared the four bosses in this raid, we will look at either adding in Blackwing Descent, or trying Heroic Halfus Wyrmbreaker.
There are non-progression evenings:
- Wednesday 6.30PM server time
- Monday 6.30PM server time
These nights are not compulsory attendance.
Note: The Raid Rules post has been updated today, please give it a quick re-read :)
Loot Points System
Now that we have more than 10 regular raiders, we have decided to implement a simple system for distributing loot from progression raids. The reason for having a loot system is that /roll can end up with one person getting a lucky or unlucky streak of rolls, and it can end up with a new raider having gear on their first night while someone who's been there every week misses out.
Please don't think of the system as a competition; it is just a record of who attends the raids and who got gear so far. It's sort of like having a manual system "Joe got the last drop, so Dave gets the next one", but a lot easier for everybody to see what's happening and remember who got what.
How it works
The officers have researched the various systems that are available, and chosen one that is appropriate for our size and style of guild. It is called EP/GP and works like this:
When an item drops and more than one person wants it, the person with the highest quotient EP/GP (that is EP divided by GP) will get the item. You don't “spend” points like you do in some other points systems.
Our current points table can always be found at http://www.epgpweb.com/guild/us/Gundrak/Crux/ .
The points will be reset to zero at 5.30pm on Sunday May 1. Before that time, the link will display points from the previous three weeks of raiding where we have been trialling the system. You should be able to look over the various history snapshots and give yourself an idea of how the system works.
There is a minimum EP threshold of 1000 EP (roughly 2 and a bit nights of raiding). That means that somebody who is on their first week of raiding with us will only get gear if nobody else who is above the threshold wanted it.
Finally, there is also a 10% decay per week, which means that your EP and GP scores both reduce by 10% at the end of the week. This is so that more recent raiding counts for more than raiding done in the past.
Advantages of this system
GP are awarded according to theofficial set of values, which takes into account how good each item slot is (for example, getting a 2H weapon is a much bigger bonus than getting a new cloak).
If anything needs clarification please feel free to post a comment here, or talk to Lusignan in-game.
Please don't think of the system as a competition; it is just a record of who attends the raids and who got gear so far. It's sort of like having a manual system "Joe got the last drop, so Dave gets the next one", but a lot easier for everybody to see what's happening and remember who got what.
How it works
The officers have researched the various systems that are available, and chosen one that is appropriate for our size and style of guild. It is called EP/GP and works like this:
- Your "EP" score (Effort Points) records your raid attendance
- Your "GP" score (Gear Points) records how much gear you have won from raids
- Your EP and GP scores never decrease (except for decay - see below); they are a permanent record of your attendance and loot.
When an item drops and more than one person wants it, the person with the highest quotient EP/GP (that is EP divided by GP) will get the item. You don't “spend” points like you do in some other points systems.
Our current points table can always be found at http://www.epgpweb.com/guild/us/Gundrak/Crux/ .
The points will be reset to zero at 5.30pm on Sunday May 1. Before that time, the link will display points from the previous three weeks of raiding where we have been trialling the system. You should be able to look over the various history snapshots and give yourself an idea of how the system works.
There is a minimum EP threshold of 1000 EP (roughly 2 and a bit nights of raiding). That means that somebody who is on their first week of raiding with us will only get gear if nobody else who is above the threshold wanted it.
Finally, there is also a 10% decay per week, which means that your EP and GP scores both reduce by 10% at the end of the week. This is so that more recent raiding counts for more than raiding done in the past.
Advantages of this system
- Loot is distributed evenly amongst our raiders, according to their raid attendance. The guild raid group as a whole gets geared up together, instead of having 2 or 3 people with all the best gear.
- People who raid less often, and new members, still have a chance to get gear (unlike with DKP-type systems where the people who've been in the guild the longest automatically get first pick on every loot drop)
- People who are on standby because we had more than 10 raiders on, don't miss out on gear.
- It's not possible to 'hoard' points for one person to guarantee themselves a good item that might drop in future.
GP are awarded according to theofficial set of values, which takes into account how good each item slot is (for example, getting a 2H weapon is a much bigger bonus than getting a new cloak).
If anything needs clarification please feel free to post a comment here, or talk to Lusignan in-game.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Welcome to Crux!
We are looking for members for causal raiding. What we want from you is to be: mature, loyal, friendly, willing to help other guild members, reliable (our raid/gearing nights are listed below) and most of all, have an excellent sense of humour!
**PLEASE NOTE: We are currently only recruiting lvl 85 characters with an item level of 340 or higher. You must be able to product 10k DPS on the target dummy. Our raid leader / An Officer will be in touch with you.**
Raiding/Gearing nights are: Wednesday/Thursday and Sunday/Monday - 7pm - 10pm server time
We will require you to commit to these runs.
If you have any questions, please contact any member of Crux (who will direct you to the right people) - or pst our Guild Mistress (Alexandra) directly.
Your Name:
Character Name:
Your Age:
Current/past raiding experience:
Other characters/levels/classes/servers:
Are you willing to respec, if needed, for guild progression?
How many hours a day approx do you play?
How many days a week do you play?
Current gearing / raiding times are 7pm - 10pm server time
on the above days. Are you available for these?
Are you available on our regular run nights?
Contact email:
Anything you think we should know?:
Thank you for your interest in our guild, and we will get back to you with an answer asap.
We are looking for members for causal raiding. What we want from you is to be: mature, loyal, friendly, willing to help other guild members, reliable (our raid/gearing nights are listed below) and most of all, have an excellent sense of humour!
**PLEASE NOTE: We are currently only recruiting lvl 85 characters with an item level of 340 or higher. You must be able to product 10k DPS on the target dummy. Our raid leader / An Officer will be in touch with you.**
Raiding/Gearing nights are: Wednesday/Thursday and Sunday/Monday - 7pm - 10pm server time
We will require you to commit to these runs.
If you have any questions, please contact any member of Crux (who will direct you to the right people) - or pst our Guild Mistress (Alexandra) directly.
Your Name:
Character Name:
Your Age:
Current/past raiding experience:
Other characters/levels/classes/servers:
Are you willing to respec, if needed, for guild progression?
How many hours a day approx do you play?
How many days a week do you play?
Current gearing / raiding times are 7pm - 10pm server time
on the above days. Are you available for these?
Are you available on our regular run nights?
Contact email:
Anything you think we should know?:
Thank you for your interest in our guild, and we will get back to you with an answer asap.
Raid Rules and General Information
Guild Mistress: Alexandra
Back-Up Guild Mistress / Guild Relations: Farolyn
Raid Leaders: Inshamniac, Lusignan (and respective alts)
Officers: Gallius & Mathilde
General Raid Rules.
Guild Bank
Our loot rules are designed to spread the loot out fairly amongst the regular raiders, so that we all gear up together.
The following common-sense rules apply:
Progression Raid Selection
If we have more than 10 people on for a progression raid, then the officers will make a decision as to which 10 go. The criteria will be (in this order):
Guild Invites
Okay, so that's your rules and regulations.
We have tried to keep it as simple as possible - some rules have been carried over from past raiding guilds that some guild members have been part of. Please remember that even though we are relaxed about most things, if we dont have rules in place, it will become a massive mess. Please remember to show a little respect for your Guild Mistress and Officers - they do outrank you and have the rights to remove you from guild should you choose to ignore the basic rules in place.
If you have any questions, please send an ingame mail to your Guild Mistress, she will be able to help you out.
Back-Up Guild Mistress / Guild Relations: Farolyn
Raid Leaders: Inshamniac, Lusignan (and respective alts)
Officers: Gallius & Mathilde
General Raid Rules.
- Raiders are expected to have a talent spec and gear set suitable for raiding, and have their raid gear gemmed and enchanted correctly. The guild bank can help with materials for gems and enchants.
- Raiders are expected to be on their main toons and ready to start raiding 15 minutes BEFORE raid time.
- Flasks and feasts will be provided. An officer will place feasts, and hand out flasks before the first boss.
- Breaks: There will be NO afking, brbing etc before the scheduled break time set by the days raid leader unless you have pre-arranged a break for children / medical reasons (this includes urgent toilet breaks etc)
- Constant afking/brbing without a valid reason will result in your suspension from the current week's raiding - please remember that you should be fed/watered/coffee'd BEFORE raid starts. You know what days are raid days and should be available if you have signed up.
- Signups: Members who have signed up for raid BEFORE the actual raid day will get preference over those who are late on signing up. If you are keen to go but are unsure if you can attend, please accept the raid with a tentative signup.
- Most importantly, please make sure you are repaired BEFORE you start raiding.
Guild Bank
- Crux Guild Bank is available for ALL guild members. However, to reduce the impact of when someone's account gets hacked, most tabs are marked for deposit-only.
- If you don't have access to certain tabs, please contact an officer for items you need. We will be happy to help.
- Items on the "Important" or "Raid" tab can be bought at 50% of the auctionhouse price, please contact an officer.
- ALL gathered materials from raids are expected to be placed into the guild bank. This includes mining/skinning/herbalism/engineering/etc. drops, and disenchanted materials.
- Herbalists - please remember to donate your herbs to the guild bank so we can make flasks - these will be purchased from you. Let an officer know.
- We are all adults. Please remember that. We're not going to get all silly about swearing etc in guild chat, but please try and be courteous. This carries over to Vent as well - some members may have children / parents listening in the background.
- You are welcome to let your friends / instance party members join our ventrill server for instances etc. Please don't abuse this - we don't want every random and his dog on there being stupid.
- Vent During Raid - PLEASE don't talk over other people while we are raiding! If you are not raiding, please go to a seperate channel to talk to your friends. This goes for music playing over vent as well. Dont be silly with it. It can be very distracting for players / raid leaders while the raid is happening.
- If you insist on arguing over vent, please take it to another channel. Abuse will not be tolerated.
Our loot rules are designed to spread the loot out fairly amongst the regular raiders, so that we all gear up together.
The following common-sense rules apply:
- Main spec is preferred to offspec (where main spec is the spec that the toon normally takes to our progression raids)
- If you already have an item of the same iLvl as the drop, you don't get it unless nobody else wants it for main spec. (There is no 'biggest upgrade' rule though; if one person has a 346 and another has a 333, then neither of them is preferred over the other).
- Gear should go to a class/spec it is appropriate for; e.g. +agility gear doesn't go to a warrior , and +hit rating doesn't go to a healer; unless nobody else wants the item for main spec. (Note: spirit is a DPS stat for some specs)
- +100 EP for being signed up and online 15 minutes before the raid
- +100 EP for each half-hour of raiding or standby
- +500 EP for the guild first kill of a boss
- MinEP threshold of 1000
- Decay of 10% per week.
Progression Raid Selection
If we have more than 10 people on for a progression raid, then the officers will make a decision as to which 10 go. The criteria will be (in this order):
- The right number of tanks, healers and dps (usually 2, 3, 5) and an appropriate mix of melee and ranged and class/specs
- People signed up and online 15 minutes before the raid start time
- Reliable players (high DPS/HPS, doesnt stand in fire, correct spec/enchants/gems, etc.)
- Best attendance record
- Trialling New Members: if we have a new member who is already appropriately geared and experienced, we may ask somebody to sit out a week in order to trial the new member.
Guild Invites
- Please direct people to our blog so they can apply to join the guild. Alternatively, they can apply via the in-game Guild Finder.
Okay, so that's your rules and regulations.
We have tried to keep it as simple as possible - some rules have been carried over from past raiding guilds that some guild members have been part of. Please remember that even though we are relaxed about most things, if we dont have rules in place, it will become a massive mess. Please remember to show a little respect for your Guild Mistress and Officers - they do outrank you and have the rights to remove you from guild should you choose to ignore the basic rules in place.
If you have any questions, please send an ingame mail to your Guild Mistress, she will be able to help you out.
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