Saturday, July 23, 2011

Changes to Raiding.

Okay, here we go.
I appoligize in advance if this post is a little bit choppy and in & out, I'm writing as things come to me and adding things in where I think they are needed, so bare with me.

Firstly, I would like to state that the changes I am about to outline were NOT decided on solely by myself or Lusignan. Officers were not consulted on this matter, because as the GM, I wear the pants and I am allowed to make changes where I see fit. I have been sitting there in the background watching DPS meters, attendance, gear, attitudes and the work you have all been doing over the past couple of months. Guild masters actually have a busy wee job in the background! My job as Guild Master means that I have to make sure that our guild is happy and that we are all getting the most out of our games. In order for us to get the most out of the money we pay for our games, certain things need to change. What I mean by that, is our raiding.

I dont know about the rest of you, but I am completely unhappy with the way that the guild raids are progressing.
People are NOT pulling enough DPS when we know you are capable of it. There are too many late appearances, brb's, afk's and other such things (of course child breaks are allowed - hell, I have children, I know what it's like!) Anyway the point of that is that we are wasting too much time. From the beginning of our raiding in Wrath, we made the rule that Raiders needed to be online and ready to go on their raiding toons 15 minutes BEFORE raiding started. People seem to forget some of the basic rules and arent showing up. As I outlined in the post below about raiding firelands on Sunday, if you are not there on time, you wont be going. I'm sick of sitting around waiting for people to show up.

As to the DPS - Why are you not doing the best you can do? Whats wrong? Your specs / gear / reforges / enchants are all right. Maybe look at your rotations? Something isnt right! this leads me to bring up the next topic:

I'm not sure if any of you noticed, but we have a new Raid Leader. I welcomed Dent to the team this week to start running our second raid group. Now, this is where it begins.

As of the 7th of August, there will be an A raiding team, made up of the BEST DPS, Healing, Tanking going to firelands. These people were not made up of a list of favorites - they are people who consistantly pull the highest DPS, the best healing bla bla bla and I want to make things clear here, I am not one of these people. My healing isnt good enough because of lack of gear.
Alongside the A raiding team, there will be a B team. Now, PLEASE do not think if you have not been chosen for the A team (lol) that you are inferior in any way. The reason you wont have been chosen is because of whatever reason, your DPS/Healing/Tanking isnt quite there and we want you to come to the B team to run BoT, BWD, Tot4W to gear up, work on any DPS/Healing/Tanking issues so that we can progress together into Firelands.

I know everyone wants to get in there and start killing bosses and getting all the awesome gear, but the fact is, without the top DPS, it aint gonna happen. Wouldnt it be better to work on the things that need working on? I personally am looking forward to learning some more, getting better gear and owning face when the time is right.

I'm really sorry if some of you are offended by whats happening, please dont be. Its not because we dont love you, we want you to be able to make the most of your toon!

Next thing - I know this will come up - 'But Crux is casual, why are we suddenly becoming hardcore?'
Answer: We arent. Its about guild progression. Do you want to sit in Orgrimmar every night picking your nose? I bet you dont! And if you do, then go find a nose picking guild that doesnt care about you or what you do!

Raid nights etc.
A Team will run Firelands on Sunday night at the normal raid time.
B Team will run BoT etc on Thursday nights.
Now, it is possible that there wont be enough B team people to make up a full raid, therefore A team people may be asked to come along to help out. It would be nice if you could - afterall we are aiming to have 2 teams running thru Firelands at the same time!
Oh also, I want to make it perfectly clear - if you were not chosen for the A team, but want to pug Firelands, please do! just make sure it's not on our guild run nights (exc sunday, you can do what you like then). The more gear and practice you get, the better!

I hope this hasnt been too confusing. You can direct questions to myself or Dent - we will be more than happy to help you out. We have much guild love for you guys - you all work really hard.

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