Monday, August 1, 2011

Two Raid Groups

Hi all

We've had more than 20 people on the last couple of Sundays, and we are also keen to make progress on Firelands. For that reason, we have decided to form into two raid groups, each with a fixed player roster, running two nights a week, starting Sunday August 7. (August 3 and 4 raids are as they were).

Group One will try to progress in Firelands, and perhaps also T11 Heroic. Group Two will run T11 normal content to help gear its players up, and also give them a chance to work on their raid skills in a more casual environment.

Although the rosters are fixed, it is still possible for players from Group Two who wish to move up to Group One to earn a spot. The raid leaders of both groups will communicate, and if a Group One player is underperforming, or performing worse than Group Two players, then someone who is doing well in Group Two can move up.


Both groups will run on Sunday
. During the week we have a mix of people from both groups who can't attend, so Group One will also run Wednesday and Group Two will also run Thursday. For the first couple of weeks, until we settle in and find out who can attend on Wednesday and Thursday, there won't be a fixed schedule of which content will be run on the weekdays; we'll make a decision once we see who's on.

On the weeknights, players from Group One can fill out the Group Two roster, and vice versa, if needed; taking care not to get themselves saved to a raid that they will be doing on Sunday.

Raid Rules - Sign up and online 15mins before raid (6.15pm Server Time)

Please continue to sign up on the calendar for your group, and log on 15mins before raid time.
If anybody is missing at that point, the raid leader will call for backups, either from un-rostered players, players from the other group (Wed/Thurs), or pugs. If you show up 5mins before raid and your spot was already filled, you're out of luck.

Loot system

Group One will use EP/GP points as before (points fully reset as of Aug 7), with the following parameters: 150 points per half hour for Firelands and 100 for T11 heroic; MinEP 1000; MinGP 250; Decay 20%; and 150 or 100 points for signed up and online 15mins before raid.

Group Two will use officer-decided loot distribution to help gear everybody up.

Group One

Tank: Gallius, Quintala
Heal: Ludyfe, Tuskmehard, Oriion
Melee: Kyrios, Lusignan(leader)
Ranged: Goboroy, Hiilk, Mathilde

Players with Firelands-ready alts and offspec, can shuffle around to fill roles if we have a player absent, or if the fight would go better with a different class/spec balance. For example Lusignan could heal if a healer is missing, or tank or ranged-dps with Autumni.

Group Two

Tank: Pallyative, Sanllan
Heal: Teiripeoir, Alexandra, Egelis
Melee: Dent(leader), Thabiff
Ranged: Farolyn, Lockness, Malphyte

Joining a group or moving up

Any player who is not on either roster: it is because your attendance has been too unreliable to form part of a regular group; or you aren't ready for the content. If you are keen to join a group (or if Group Two players are keen to move up to Group One) , speak to Dent or Lusignan about what you need to do.

A final reminder, Firelands DPS should be doing 17K minimum, and healers able to sustain 10K for the fight duration. We've been below that in our attempts so far; so players wishing to guarantee they keep their spot may need to work on improving their toon outside of raid time.

For both groups, the raid leader can assist you with improving DPS and other raid skills.

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