Saturday, December 31, 2011

Raider Meeting Fails etc

Right, so trying to organize everyone at this time of the year is nearly impossible. That's totally cool.
I've decided instead of trying to do that, I'd make a blog post and then you can all give me your feedback.
This goes for the officers as well - I need good constructive feedback.

Just putting this out there in the wind: If we moved the guild from Gundrak, would you follow?

Reasons: Gundrak is CRAP. Its nearly impossible to find GOOD people to pug with - all the good ones are in guilds or have transferred off server. No smaller guilds are interested in doing a partnership and I am unwilling to join another guild in order to progress my raiding.

At this stage (and this is after much research over the last few weeks), we're looking at either Barthilas or Frostmourne. These two realms have a really good base of people, progression is great and the AH seems to be a lot cheaper as well (not that it really matters haha).

Now I understand that changing realms can be a little pricey - $32.08NZD per toon and $24.40AUD (you bastards), so I'd be happy if you were to perhaps just shift one raiding toon to start with to see how it goes. I personally have 3x 85's to move as the professions all compliment each other, so I'd move my Priest to begin with.
The entire guild structure and bank etc would move with me as well. And it will cost me more to do it than it will to you, because Blizzard like money etc.
To read up about how the actual process works, theres a link here: link

So anyhoo, hopefully I havent baffled you all too much - please not that this change will NOT happen until I have heard from all of my raiders/officers. PLEASE let me know what you think - I do value your opinions, I really do. I just want us all to be happy and to progress etc.
Oh and remember that these servers are high population, so start thinking of new names for your toons if you have an ordinary one like myself, go chuck a place holder toon on each server just in case!



  1. Due to the lack of pop and no incentives for ppl to join Gundrak - xfer is about the only real option.
    I'll xfer, wife has already approved the funds ;)


    PS – maybe won’t be online for scheduled raid next week, Wife is about to pop out a baby boy at any moment.

  2. just a note, atm you can only xfer 50k max for a lvl85
