Sunday, March 18, 2012

Loot clarifications and group selection

Hi all

We have 11 people on the roster now so some situations have come up that we haven't had to deal with in a while. The details are:

  • If you're not online 10 mins before start time , you may lose your raid spot, unless you have specifically contacted someone who is online to let them know you're running late. (For example, post on the guild facebook, or send a text to Gallius or Mathilde).
  • If you're not online at the start time you may lose your spot anyway.
  • If more than 10 people are online, then we will have to sit someone out for the week. This will be done by officers on a rotation basis , although we will take into account raid composition (buffs) and attendance.
  • If you didn't make the raid group, but you are online (no later than half an hour after raid start), and online until the raid finishes, and ready to take someone's place if needed, then you will get 150 E.P. at the end of the raid.
  • Crafting patterns go to the guild bank, and if anybody needs them for a raid toon, an officer crafter will learn the pattern. This is because we have lost patterns in the past when someone learned them and then stopped playing or transferred. If a pattern drops that we've already got, then toons in the raid with that profession maxed can roll on it. (This may be changed if the guild bank is low on funds, however it's currently well placed).
  • If gear drops that's an upgrade for someone in the group, it has to be taken. You can't pass on upgrades in order to 'save' points for later drops; the idea of the loot system is to have everybody gear up without being able to manipulate it, and without having to worry about your points at all. "Upgrade" here is defined as higher item level, although in rare situations exceptions can be made (e.g. trinkets)