Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Gearing up for MV - ilvl 470

Now that we've had a few weeks to test how Mogu'Shan Vaults is tuned, it seems that the whole raid should be in 470 gear at least.

Of course, it was cleared in 463-ish gear by the world top guilds. But they all play perfectly. We make a lot of mistakes (myself included), so having that extra gear buffer means we can recover from a bit of standing in fire, slow chains meeting etc, instead of having one mistake mean a wipe.

See if you can aim for a minimum of 463 in every slot,  plus a few 476 or 489 items to bring your average up to 470.

Here is an excellent gear list.

The people who currently have 470 ilvl are (according to armory -- of course, some people might have logged out in pvp/offspec gear, send me a message if so):

  • Meelo (483)
  • Whimpie (476)
  • Savik (474)
  • Autumni (474)
  • Vorpel (473)
  • Argoth (470)
A number of people are on 466 and 467.  If you are lower on gear then we may have to sit you out if another player is available.  We have been approached for a joint guild run by another guild in a similar situation to us, so this is a realistic possibility.

A few pro tips:

  • Run LFR every week, it goes pretty smoothly now that people know the fights. You can try to optimize your DPS at the same time. 15% chance of 476 item from each boss (or 483 items from Heart of Fear and MV end boss). T14 available from second half of Heart of Fear.
  • 489 necks and rings only require Honored rep with Klaxxi (which you get just from clearing Dread Wastes normal quests) and Golden Lotus (a few boring dailies).
  • 476 boots guaranteed for your first kill of Sha of Anger; plus you can kill it once each week for a shot at another 476 item.
  • 483 items can be obtained from Arena. You don't have to be good, it matches you with people of a similar skill level to yourself. Winning 10 games 2 weeks in a row will get you a bit of gear - maybe allow 2 hours a week for this.
  • Keep an eye out on the auction house for BOE 476 items.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Challenge Mode videos

5-man challenge modes are a good test of your raiding skills, and will highlight areas where you can improve.  They are like the 5man heroic version but everything hits a lot harder, and in a few spots there are more mobs, so you have to respect the fight mechanics.

Our goal is not necessarily a fast time, but a clean run -- minimizing unavoidable damage taken, while maximizing DPS and healing output.

We have done a mostly guild run of Gate of the Setting Sun (with Cloud healing - thanks!), it wasn't too painful apart from the noob tank taking a while to sort out the adds on the last boss.

There is a wide difficulty spread amongst the different dungeons - we also tried Shado-Pan Monastery, it was brutal compared to GSS (here is one guy's ordering of difficulty).

Video links: Gate of the Setting Sun  Scarlet Halls

Note that they will skip some trash with Invisibility - we probably won't do that at this stage until we have perfected our play on the later bosses. If you skip it and then wipe, you have to clear it on the runback :)

General tips:

  • You must travel to the instance - there's no auto zone in feature.
  • When you set your UI to 'challenge mode' and zone in, the timer doesn't start until you click an orb.
  • Allow a couple of hours while you learn the fights.
  • Flasks are essential.
  • Having a Time Warp, and at least 2 ranged DPS, makes things considerably easier in most spots.
  • There is a daily quest that gives 80 VP for a particular dungeon -- however you can of course do any one at any time.
  • There is no loot, but there are special rewards for achievement sets.
  • Each of your gear items is scaled down to 463 (but lower items are not scaled up). So, ideally you should have a 463 item or higher in every slot, else you are putting yourself on the back foot.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Stone Guard strategy

First raid recap:

We had our first attempt at Stone Guard today. However, due to being down 1 tank and 1 healer, and having fill-ins, we found it pretty tough going.  The raids are currently tuned so that if we're  not in 489 gear already then we have to be doing pretty much everything perfect. A mistake will be a wipe.  But thanks to those people who did fill in, it at least gave us a chance to see the fight, and see where we can improve.

Links to important posts:

MoP raid rules and loot system (incl Flasks, and gems/enchants/reforge info)
Recommended Mods

We don't want to be wasting time updating mods or dealing with flasks or enchanting people's gear during the raid, please sort all this out beforehand.

Our Stone Guard strat:

EDIT: Since Rocksteady is such a beast, and our healing is weak,  I think it will be more practical to use a strat where Rock tanks 2 dogs the whole time. This will reduce the healing load. 

In this strat, the raid caller will just call "COBALT BY ITSELF" . That means that Rock will taunt whatever is currently on its own (assuming not Cobalt already of course), and the other tank taunts Cobalt. 

The one that will be on its own is the one that is neither petrifying, nor just exploded (it will be on about 50 energy). It would be nice if tanks taunted on their own without the call - then there is no wipe if the call is late :)

For the start of the fight, there will be two calls during the first phase so that we get the dogs to a 50-50 balanced state. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October Raiding (2012)

Raid Schedule

Our tentative raid schedule for Mogu'Shan Vaults will be:

  • Thursday 6.30 - 9.30
  • Sunday 6.30 - 9.30
All times are server time -- as displayed on the mini-map in-game. We cannot raid any later than this, due to the Kiwis who have kids they need to get up for in the morning :)

Raider Requirements

Please review our full raid rules and loot rules in the previous post on this blog. 

Raiders are expected to:
  • Be online and ready to raid by 6.20 server time, and not leave before 9.30 server time
  • Bring your own flasks, or Golden Lotuses.
  • Wear gear suitable for raiding, with appropriate talents, glyphs, gems and enchants for your role.
  • Know the mechanics of fights that we may get up to for the week; by reading the dungeon journal and/or looking up a guide on the web.  Doing the fight on LFR mode is also helpful.
  • Know your class well, and know what the best set of glyphs and talents will be for you on each boss.
  • Read class guides on the web, and ensure you're getting the most out of our toon.
  • Have reliable attendance -- preferably 100%.
In return, the guild will:
  • Provide gems and enchants for raid gear.
  • Provide repairs and banquets.
  • Provide a successful raid environment :)
  • Assist with setting up your toon optimally for raiding, helping improve your DPS or healing, and so on.

Raid Group, 18-Oct-2012

Our tentative line-up is (red means changed since original post):

Tank: Rocksteady, Maladath
Heal: Joshaladin, Autumni, Bringudown
DPS: Trickssta, Meelo, Mathilde, Whimpie, Argoth, Savik
Backup: Atmosfear

For anybody else wishing to raid who is appropriately geared, speak to a raid leader or a Guild Relations officer to get yourself a trial.

Further backup players are very welcome, especially in the first week, and will get a 50% EP award.


The Stone Guard needs 3 healers. Currently we have no solid healers.  If we do not have 3 healers on-line, and are unable to pug anybody of sufficient quality, the raid may have to be cancelled.  Ask your friends about healing recruits :)

Raid Rules and General Information - Panda Style

Guild Mistress: Alexandra
Back-Up Guild Mistress / Guild Relations: Farolyn, Mathilde
Raid Leaders: Autumni
Officers: Whimpie, Mathilde, Astraeda, Burns

General Raid Rules.

  • Raiders are expected to have a talents, glyphs and gear suitable for raiding, and have their raid gear gemmed, enchanted and reforged correctly. The guild bank can supply gems and enchants for raiders.
  • Raiders are expected to be on their main toons and ready to start raiding 15 minutes BEFORE raid time. We would like to start pulling at 6.30.
  • Food will be provided. An officer will place a Banquet before the first boss.
  • Flasks will not be provided at this stage; in this expansion there are no Cauldrons. Raiders must either bring flasks of their own to cover the 3 hour raid period, or bring Golden Lotusus so that Mathilde can create flasks from them. (the guild bank will supply the other herbs needed to make the flask).
  • Breaks: There will be NO afking, brbing etc before the scheduled break time set by the days raid leader unless you have pre-arranged a break for children / medical reasons (this includes urgent toilet breaks etc)
  • Constant afking/brbing without a valid reason will result in your suspension from the current week's raiding - please remember that you should be fed/watered/coffee'd BEFORE raid starts. You know what days are raid days and should be available if you have signed up.
  • Signups: Members who have signed up for raid BEFORE the actual raid day will get preference over those who are late on signing up. If you are keen to go but are unsure if you can attend, please accept the raid with a tentative signup.
  • Please make sure you are repaired BEFORE you start raiding.

  Guild Bank

  • Crux Guild Bank is available for ALL guild members. However, to reduce the impact of when somebody does a runner, the tabs with current raid materials have been marked as Deposit-only
  • If you don't have access to certain tabs, please contact an officer for items you need. We will be happy to help.
  • Raiders are entitled to free gems and enchants.
  • Other items on the "Important" or "Raiding" tab, such as BoE drops, may be purchased at half-AH price; please contact an officer.
  • ALL gathered materials from raids are expected to be placed into the guild bank. This includes mining/skinning/herbalism/engineering/etc. drops, and disenchanted materials.
  • The guild bank will be able to compensate players with gold in exchange for depositing herbs and ore in the guild bank. Check the tab text on the bank tab "Herbs" for current rates.

Guild Chat

  • We are all adults. Please remember that. We're not going to get all silly about swearing etc in guild chat, but please try and be courteous. This carries over to Vent as well - some members may have children / parents listening in the background.


  • Raiders must be able to listen on Vent and respond to directions during the raid. A microphone is desirable but not required.
  • You are welcome to let your friends / instance party members join our ventrilo server for instances etc. Please don't abuse this - we don't want every random and his dog on there being stupid.
  • Vent During Raid - PLEASE don't talk over other people while we are raiding! If you are not raiding, please go to a seperate channel to talk to your friends. This goes for music playing over vent as well. Dont be silly with it. It can be very distracting for players / raid leaders while the raid is happening.
  • If you insist on arguing over vent, please take it to another channel. Abuse will not be tolerated.

    Raiding Loot Rules

    We use a loot system that is designed to spread the loot out fairly amongst the regular raiders, so that everybody gets some gear from guild raids.    We don't try to decide who would benefit the most from a particular item, as that can lead to loot rage arguments.

    The officers reserve the right to overrule the system in particular cases (for example, we may decide that completing the tanks' 4-piece T14 bonus will benefit the raid so much that it's the best way to proceed) -- but 99% of the time, the gear will be handed out according to the loot system.

    The system is called  EP/GP (click for full explanation). The parameters can be found in the Guild Info tab.

    In this system, players cannot buy gear, spend points, or in fact make any decision about loot. Players cannot pass on gear upgrades (unless someone else also wants the item), and cannot hoard points, or try and save points for some particular future drop. 

    The system is just meant to smooth out the randomness that can occur with rolls.  It's not a competition in any way. It works best if the player treats it like a roll; if they win the gear that's great; if not, then it'll be their turn soon enough.

    When BoP gear drops, the loot master will consult the current standings , and the loot given to the person with highest PR for whom the gear is a main-spec upgrade for. If the gear is a side-grade, or of situational utility, or off-spec, and all of the players for whom it is an upgrade wish to pass, then the gear may be handed out without incurring GP.

    When BoE gear drops, the person with highest PR for whom the gear is a main-spec upgrade may claim it.  If everyone passes then the gear goes into the guildbank, where it may be sold to raise funds that cover the raid expenses (flask, banquet, repair, gems, enchants etc.)  To clarify, there is no off-spec roll for BoE drops, and players can pass.

    When crafting patterns drop, the pattern will go directly to the guild bank.  When someone has enough materials to make the gear item,  then an officer crafter will train the pattern. This is so that when members inevitably move on from the guild, the guild does not lose the ability to craft the pattern.

    If subsequent copies of a crafting pattern drop that the guild bank already has, then toons in the raid who are currently able to train the pattern may roll.  If nobody can, then the pattern will be sold to raise guild funds. Players cannot roll for their alts, or professions they have not leveled yet.

    If crafting materials drop in the raid, they go to the guild bank. If the guild bank attains enough materials to craft a pattern, then players can request the item be crafted for them, with GP being awarded, and PR score applied if more than one person wants the item.

    Main Spec / Off Spec

    The spec that a player normally uses will be considered main spec, even if the player was in a different spec for a particular fight.

    If a player has two specs that are both regularly utilized by the raid group, that will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

    Progression Raid Selection

    This expansion, we are aiming to have a regular group of 10 people who go each week; with backup players to fill in if a regular player is absent.

    However, if a regular member has not logged on 10 minutes before the raid start time, and has not contacted an officer to arrange being late, then a backup player may be chosen to fill in at that point.

    The players in the regular group will be decided amongst the officers, with guild consultation. The criteria roughly are:

    • Able to work well in a group of 10 people.
    • Reliable attendance.
    • Correct talents, glyphs, gems, reforges and enchants for raiding, and brings own flasks.
    • Learns the fights beforehand.

    Backup players will be awarded 50% EP, so that if they later do join a guild raid, they will be eligible for loot.  Backup players must meet the same criteria as regular raiders, i.e. have talents, glyphs, gems, enchants and reforges optimal for raiding, and be ready to take a place in the group at a moment's notice.

    Trialling New Members: if we have a new member who is already appropriately geared and experienced, we may ask somebody to sit out a week in order to trial the new member.

    Guild Invites

    • Please direct people to our blog so they can apply to join the guild. Alternatively, they can apply via the in-game Guild Finder.

    Okay, so that's your rules and regulations.
    We have tried to keep it as simple as possible - some rules have been carried over from past raiding guilds that some guild members have been part of. Please remember that even though we are relaxed about most things, if we dont have rules in place, it will become a massive mess. Please remember to show a little respect for your Guild Mistress and Officers - they do outrank you and have the rights to remove you from guild should you choose to ignore the basic rules in place.

    If you have any questions, please send an ingame mail to your Guild Mistress, she will be able to help you out.

    Monday, May 21, 2012

    Heroic Spine

    Hi all. We've decided to extend our raid lock for Heroic Spine of Deathwing until we get it, so we can finish the raid.

    On our attempts so far, the main block has been low DPS on the Burning Tendon.  On our best attempt nobody did more than 1.55M damage in two lifts;  however everybody in the group should be able to do 2M, with some classes doing 2.5M or even higher.

    The major things you need to do differently for burst damage are:

    • Use a burst trinket (with keybind)
    • Use a targeting and attack macro (with keybind)
    • Find out your best "rotation" for doing a 19-second burst of damage
      • For most classes, make sure you've activated any damage bonuses (stacking trinket, stacking buffs, talent procs) before the Tendon is attackable, so you can start off right with maximum damage.
    Optionally also:

    • Reforging, glyphs (tanks and healers too!)

    Burst trinket

    You should have a trinket that has a "Use:" ability that you can use when the tendon comes up. There is a 397 valor-point trinket for every class: 

    [Kiroptyric Sigil]
    [Bottled Wishes]
    [Reflection of the Light]
    [Rotting Skull]

    Note that for spell-casters for whom Mastery is a good stat (e.g. Arcane Mage) can use [Moonwell Chalice] which is about equal to the valor trinket.

    This trinket makes a massive difference, maybe will add 20% to your damage in the 19-second window that the Tendon is up.

    Targeting macro

    Attacking the tendon as fast as possible, is obviously a key component of beating it. Here is a report from our log (I've selected the first attack by each person):

    [22:35:50.259] Busyp Flame Shock Burning Tendons 3562
    [22:35:50.367] Napdyn hits Burning Tendons 5409
    [22:35:51.453] Indieqt Arcane Blast Burning Tendons 45952
    [22:35:53.652] Trickssta Hammer of Wrath Burning Tendons 23175
    [22:35:54.385]  Gallius Dark Command Burning Tendons Immune
    [22:35:54.661]  Kavinsky Thunder Clap Burning Tendons 6673
    [22:35:56.412] Mathilde Mind Spike Burning Tendons Miss

    As you can see, Busyp got in first,  but some didn't cast anything for over 6 seconds. That's almost a third of the entire phase.

    To fix this, set up a macro that targets the Tendons, and casts your first spell.  If your trinket lasts 20 seconds you can add your trinket into this macro, and any other off-GCD ability that might be useful. 
    For example:
    /tar Burning Tendons
    /use Bottled Wishes
    /cast Arcane Blast
    Bind this to a key, then when the plate is finishing popping up you just mash your finger on the key over and over until the spellcast starts.  

    Note that due to a bug you have to be standing on the right-hand side of Deathwing for the targeting to work (assuming we're popping the right-hand plate),  don't worry about an accidental roll as the healers will counterbalance it.

    If your targeting macro still doesn't work for some reason, there is a boss frame to the right of the screen that you may find easier to click than the frame above the tendon.

    Best rotation

    Your best spells for a 19-second window will be different to your usual rotation for a 5-minute fight. You can afford to burn through mana and resources quickly because you can regenerate them before the next Tendons window comes up.

    Also, you may want to stack up any stacking buffs before the window starts. For example, if you have [Will of Unbinding] then stack it to 10 and make sure you cast some useless spell on an add just before the tendon pops, so that your stack remains. I'd recommend adding the trinket effect to a timer bar so you can actually see how long your current effect has remaining.

    Another example would be for arcane mages, build Arcane Blast to 4 stacks on an add just before the tendon pops.

    Needless to say, any DPS cooldowns should be saved for the tendon. If you have a 2min cooldown it probably won't be ready for the next lift, but it would be ready for the next plate. And 5min cooldowns can be used on plates 1 and 3. (The fight can go over 11 mins, so a 10min CD may even be able to be used twice).

    On-GCD power bursts should probably be used just before the plate lifts, and off-gcd ones can be used after. Macros are your friend again here, half a second saved could be the difference between winning and losing.

    I'm not going to go into details for everyone here,  but just google "heroic spine your-class your-spec" , or talk to me or someone else in-game about it :)

    Finally, you can practice on target dummies with your damage meter and the in-game stopwatch - time yourself for 19 seconds on a target (use a differently-named target dummy to build up power). Aim for 1 million damage in 19 seconds.


    Customised reforging for Spine is something you can do to really maximise your damage on the Tendon -- although there's much less to be gained here than by improving your rotation.

    Melee: The tendon can't dodge or parry , so Expertise is wasted, you can completely reforge out of that.
    Spell: A Miss will screw up your burst rotation, so it's best to be over the hit cap.  Tools like Mr Robot will normally prefer to give you 99.5% hit chance than a 101% hit chance, as the former works out to slightly more DPS on a long fight; but I think on the burst fight it's best to go with slightly over cap. You might need to manually make some changes.

    For some classes, it might work out best to use a different stat weight for this fight. (Check web pages specific to your class/spec).

    Tanks and healers can reforge too; for example I don't think healer Mastery which gives an absorb shield is much use on this fight.

    Finally, you may be able to gain by changing around glyphs , for example you don't need to glyph a spell which you won't be using on the Tendon.

    Sunday, April 15, 2012

    April Raiding

    Hi all. We have some new recruits for Alts Run , hopefully we can make that a regular occurrence on Monday.

    Also we killed H Shannox and H Rhyolith, so 3-4 more weeks of that and we'll have our legendary staff. We should be able to get H Beth and Majordomo too, maybe Baleroc as well.

    On the Dragon Soul front, currently at 5/8H with the Zon'ozz and Hagara kills this week. We're #2 horde guild now.

    A reminder to be logged on to your raiding toon 10 mins before raid start time to claim a spot. If we have more than 10 people on, those with best attendance will get first pick, unless someone opts to sit out.

    *PLEASE L 2 BUTTON FOR ULTRAXION* Would be good to get some regular kills going instead of skipping him each week. The goal will be to kill 5/8H on Thurs and work on Blackhorn on Sunday.
    Links to raid rules / loot system / recruitment can be found 2 posts down from this one.

    Sunday, March 18, 2012

    Loot clarifications and group selection

    Hi all

    We have 11 people on the roster now so some situations have come up that we haven't had to deal with in a while. The details are:

    • If you're not online 10 mins before start time , you may lose your raid spot, unless you have specifically contacted someone who is online to let them know you're running late. (For example, post on the guild facebook, or send a text to Gallius or Mathilde).
    • If you're not online at the start time you may lose your spot anyway.
    • If more than 10 people are online, then we will have to sit someone out for the week. This will be done by officers on a rotation basis , although we will take into account raid composition (buffs) and attendance.
    • If you didn't make the raid group, but you are online (no later than half an hour after raid start), and online until the raid finishes, and ready to take someone's place if needed, then you will get 150 E.P. at the end of the raid.
    • Crafting patterns go to the guild bank, and if anybody needs them for a raid toon, an officer crafter will learn the pattern. This is because we have lost patterns in the past when someone learned them and then stopped playing or transferred. If a pattern drops that we've already got, then toons in the raid with that profession maxed can roll on it. (This may be changed if the guild bank is low on funds, however it's currently well placed).
    • If gear drops that's an upgrade for someone in the group, it has to be taken. You can't pass on upgrades in order to 'save' points for later drops; the idea of the loot system is to have everybody gear up without being able to manipulate it, and without having to worry about your points at all. "Upgrade" here is defined as higher item level, although in rare situations exceptions can be made (e.g. trinkets)

    Thursday, February 16, 2012

    Feb & March Raiding

    We've got new people recently so are looking forward to some full guild runs every Thursday and Friday.

    We're currently fourth equal on horde progression on this server and we can move up by getting H Shannox down!

    We are still actively recruiting as we need an offtank with gear level 390 or close to it, and a healer who can step in for 3-heal fights if Alex is not feeling well. Of course, there are always spots for reliable DPS.

    We will be running Dragon Soul on Thurs and Sun, aiming for a full clear each week. We'll spend up to an hour and a half on H Morchok, but if we don't get him down then we will move on, so that we gear up from the later bosses.

    On Wednesday we will usually run Firelands, to finish off Mathilde's legendary staff. I'd like to get some heroic kills in as they give faster staff progression. However this will require some people to learn the following skills reliably:
    • 2 people with fast reactions to break Face Rage, and kiting skills to trap Rageface
    • 1 person who can slow Riplimb

    See for a detail of the differences between Normal and Heroic. If we don't have people on who've studied up, we'll just do it on Normal.

    Links to older posts that are still relevant:

    Thursday, January 26, 2012

    New Raid Start Time & Early Points

    Hi all

    Since we've had a few new recruits lately we've decided to postpone server transfer, as long as we keep on getting 10 guildies showing to raids.

    Anyhow: we have often been starting late due to people showing up late, and taking a while to find pugs. In order to try and get started right on the dot of 6.30 (server time) each night, we have changed the raid start time to 6.20 on the calendar.

    In order to qualify for the +150 bonus EP for being early, you must be online before 6.20.

    Further, at 6.20 we still start to look for pugs, and you may lose your spot if you log on late.

    However, if you know you're going to be coming but cannot get to the computer to log on until after 6.20, you can get a message to an officer and we'll hold your spot open (e.g. via email, Facebook, or SMS).

    Note that if you have a mobile device with internet access you can use the Guild Chat feature from the WoW website, and participate in guild chat without actually logging onto your toon.

    A reminder about our loot points system, the current standings can always be found at , and you can find out more information about the system by following links on that page, or asking me.

    Monday, January 9, 2012

    Pick up those change of address forms!

    So, as of this evening, it's a tentative yes to our server transfer.

    I'm having a look on Battle Net right now so I can copy and paste the information they give me, to you guys so you understand how the process works.
    This is how it goes down for ME:

    • The transfer process is not immediate, and a character will not be available for play while a transfer is pending. Under normal conditions the process should take under an hour, but please allow up to several days for a transfer to complete.
    • The price covers the guild master’s one-way transfer to a new realm. (Changes to the guild’s name are included in the price.) The guild framework, including the guild level, bank, achievements, and rank structure will also be transferred.
    • This service does not transfer your guild members. Guild members will be able to perform their own transfer on an individual basis, at which point they will have the option to automatically rejoin the guild.
    • A character can initiate a Guild Master Realm Transfer once every 30 days.You will need to rename the guild and/or the guild master if the names are taken on your destination realm.Characters who undergo a Guild Master Realm Transfer are ineligible for Realm First Achievements for two months after the date of the transfer.
    for more information, you can have a look at this link here:

    ALSO please be aware that our current guild name is NOT available, so I'll be taking submissions of good new names!

    This transfer is subject to change: eg: if within the next month we gain enough GOOD raiders to stay, then we will do so. If you REALLY dont want to move, do your best to help us find good reliable players to raid with.