Guild Mistress: Alexandra
Back-Up Guild Mistress / Guild Relations: Farolyn, Mathilde
Raid Leaders: Autumni
Officers: Whimpie, Mathilde, Astraeda, Burns
The system is just meant to smooth out the randomness that can occur with rolls. It's not a competition in any way. It works best if the player treats it like a roll; if they win the gear that's great; if not, then it'll be their turn soon enough.
Back-Up Guild Mistress / Guild Relations: Farolyn, Mathilde
Raid Leaders: Autumni
Officers: Whimpie, Mathilde, Astraeda, Burns
General Raid Rules.
- Raiders are expected to have a talents, glyphs and gear suitable for raiding, and have their raid gear gemmed, enchanted and reforged correctly. The guild bank can supply gems and enchants for raiders.
- Raiders are expected to be on their main toons and ready to start raiding 15 minutes BEFORE raid time. We would like to start pulling at 6.30.
- Food will be provided. An officer will place a Banquet before the first boss.
- Flasks will not be provided at this stage; in this expansion there are no Cauldrons. Raiders must either bring flasks of their own to cover the 3 hour raid period, or bring Golden Lotusus so that Mathilde can create flasks from them. (the guild bank will supply the other herbs needed to make the flask).
- Breaks: There will be NO afking, brbing etc before the scheduled break time set by the days raid leader unless you have pre-arranged a break for children / medical reasons (this includes urgent toilet breaks etc)
- Constant afking/brbing without a valid reason will result in your suspension from the current week's raiding - please remember that you should be fed/watered/coffee'd BEFORE raid starts. You know what days are raid days and should be available if you have signed up.
- Signups: Members who have signed up for raid BEFORE the actual raid day will get preference over those who are late on signing up. If you are keen to go but are unsure if you can attend, please accept the raid with a tentative signup.
- Please make sure you are repaired BEFORE you start raiding.
Guild Bank
- Crux Guild Bank is available for ALL guild members. However, to reduce the impact of when somebody does a runner, the tabs with current raid materials have been marked as Deposit-only
- If you don't have access to certain tabs, please contact an officer for items you need. We will be happy to help.
- Raiders are entitled to free gems and enchants.
- Other items on the "Important" or "Raiding" tab, such as BoE drops, may be purchased at half-AH price; please contact an officer.
- ALL gathered materials from raids are expected to be placed into the guild bank. This includes mining/skinning/herbalism/engineering/etc. drops, and disenchanted materials.
- The guild bank will be able to compensate players with gold in exchange for depositing herbs and ore in the guild bank. Check the tab text on the bank tab "Herbs" for current rates.
Guild Chat
- We are all adults. Please remember that. We're not going to get all silly about swearing etc in guild chat, but please try and be courteous. This carries over to Vent as well - some members may have children / parents listening in the background.
- Raiders must be able to listen on Vent and respond to directions during the raid. A microphone is desirable but not required.
- You are welcome to let your friends / instance party members join our ventrilo server for instances etc. Please don't abuse this - we don't want every random and his dog on there being stupid.
- Vent During Raid - PLEASE don't talk over other people while we are raiding! If you are not raiding, please go to a seperate channel to talk to your friends. This goes for music playing over vent as well. Dont be silly with it. It can be very distracting for players / raid leaders while the raid is happening.
- If you insist on arguing over vent, please take it to another channel. Abuse will not be tolerated.
Raiding Loot Rules
We use a loot system that is designed to spread the loot out fairly amongst the regular raiders, so that everybody gets some gear from guild raids. We don't try to decide who would benefit the most from a particular item, as that can lead to loot rage arguments.
The officers reserve the right to overrule the system in particular cases (for example, we may decide that completing the tanks' 4-piece T14 bonus will benefit the raid so much that it's the best way to proceed) -- but 99% of the time, the gear will be handed out according to the loot system.
The system is called EP/GP (click for full explanation). The parameters can be found in the Guild Info tab.
In this system, players cannot buy gear, spend points, or in fact make any decision about loot. Players cannot pass on gear upgrades (unless someone else also wants the item), and cannot hoard points, or try and save points for some particular future drop.
When BoP gear drops, the loot master will consult the current standings , and the loot given to the person with highest PR for whom the gear is a main-spec upgrade for. If the gear is a side-grade, or of situational utility, or off-spec, and all of the players for whom it is an upgrade wish to pass, then the gear may be handed out without incurring GP.
When BoE gear drops, the person with highest PR for whom the gear is a main-spec upgrade may claim it. If everyone passes then the gear goes into the guildbank, where it may be sold to raise funds that cover the raid expenses (flask, banquet, repair, gems, enchants etc.) To clarify, there is no off-spec roll for BoE drops, and players can pass.
When crafting patterns drop, the pattern will go directly to the guild bank. When someone has enough materials to make the gear item, then an officer crafter will train the pattern. This is so that when members inevitably move on from the guild, the guild does not lose the ability to craft the pattern.
If subsequent copies of a crafting pattern drop that the guild bank already has, then toons in the raid who are currently able to train the pattern may roll. If nobody can, then the pattern will be sold to raise guild funds. Players cannot roll for their alts, or professions they have not leveled yet.
If crafting materials drop in the raid, they go to the guild bank. If the guild bank attains enough materials to craft a pattern, then players can request the item be crafted for them, with GP being awarded, and PR score applied if more than one person wants the item.
Main Spec / Off Spec
The spec that a player normally uses will be considered main spec, even if the player was in a different spec for a particular fight.
If a player has two specs that are both regularly utilized by the raid group, that will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Progression Raid Selection
This expansion, we are aiming to have a regular group of 10 people who go each week; with backup players to fill in if a regular player is absent.
However, if a regular member has not logged on 10 minutes before the raid start time, and has not contacted an officer to arrange being late, then a backup player may be chosen to fill in at that point.
The players in the regular group will be decided amongst the officers, with guild consultation. The criteria roughly are:
- Able to work well in a group of 10 people.
- Reliable attendance.
- Correct talents, glyphs, gems, reforges and enchants for raiding, and brings own flasks.
- Learns the fights beforehand.
Backup players will be awarded 50% EP, so that if they later do join a guild raid, they will be eligible for loot. Backup players must meet the same criteria as regular raiders, i.e. have talents, glyphs, gems, enchants and reforges optimal for raiding, and be ready to take a place in the group at a moment's notice.
Trialling New Members: if we have a new member who is already appropriately geared and experienced, we may ask somebody to sit out a week in order to trial the new member.
Guild Invites
- Please direct people to our blog so they can apply to join the guild. Alternatively, they can apply via the in-game Guild Finder.
Okay, so that's your rules and regulations.
We have tried to keep it as simple as possible - some rules have been carried over from past raiding guilds that some guild members have been part of. Please remember that even though we are relaxed about most things, if we dont have rules in place, it will become a massive mess. Please remember to show a little respect for your Guild Mistress and Officers - they do outrank you and have the rights to remove you from guild should you choose to ignore the basic rules in place.
If you have any questions, please send an ingame mail to your Guild Mistress, she will be able to help you out.
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