Now that we have more than 10 regular raiders, we have decided to implement a simple system for distributing loot from progression raids. The reason for having a loot system is that /roll can end up with one person getting a lucky or unlucky streak of rolls, and it can end up with a new raider having gear on their first night while someone who's been there every week misses out.
Please don't think of the system as a competition; it is just a record of who attends the raids and who got gear so far. It's sort of like having a manual system "Joe got the last drop, so Dave gets the next one", but a lot easier for everybody to see what's happening and remember who got what.
How it works
The officers have researched the various systems that are available, and chosen one that is appropriate for our size and style of guild. It is called
EP/GP and works like this:
- Your "EP" score (Effort Points) records your raid attendance
- Your "GP" score (Gear Points) records how much gear you have won from raids
- Your EP and GP scores never decrease (except for decay - see below); they are a permanent record of your attendance and loot.
When an item drops and more than one person wants it, the person with the highest quotient EP/GP (that is EP divided by GP) will get the item. You don't “spend” points like you do in some other points systems.
Our current points table can always be found at .
The points will be reset to zero at 5.30pm on Sunday May 1. Before that time, the link will display points from the previous three weeks of raiding where we have been trialling the system. You should be able to look over the various history snapshots and give yourself an idea of how the system works.
There is a minimum EP threshold of 1000 EP (roughly 2 and a bit nights of raiding). That means that somebody who is on their first week of raiding with us will only get gear if nobody else who is above the threshold wanted it.
Finally, there is also a 10% decay per week, which means that your EP and GP scores both reduce by 10% at the end of the week. This is so that more recent raiding counts for more than raiding done in the past.
Advantages of this system
- Loot is distributed evenly amongst our raiders, according to their raid attendance. The guild raid group as a whole gets geared up together, instead of having 2 or 3 people with all the best gear.
- People who raid less often, and new members, still have a chance to get gear (unlike with DKP-type systems where the people who've been in the guild the longest automatically get first pick on every loot drop)
- People who are on standby because we had more than 10 raiders on, don't miss out on gear.
- It's not possible to 'hoard' points for one person to guarantee themselves a good item that might drop in future.
For a list of our EP schedule, see the Raid Rules post on this blog.
GP are awarded according to theofficial set of values, which takes into account how good each item slot is (for example, getting a 2H weapon is a much bigger bonus than getting a new cloak).
If anything needs clarification please feel free to post a comment here, or talk to Lusignan in-game.